年份 1981 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
數目 2.89 54.39 68.02 55.75 58.53 53.73 52.63 58.77
年份 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
數目 80.03 112.88 105.68 119.72 211.87 333.75 319.34 188.36
年份 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
數目 143.56 119.53 120.44 105.76 94.23 81.42 80.20 72.71
年份 2018
數目 71.05


Figures for 1983, 1987 and 1992 are collected from Royal Hong Kong Police Force.
Figures after 1997 are collected from Hong Kong Police Force.
Figures for 1981 and 1986 include only battered wife cases, based on a local publication on women. The figure for 1981 is deemed to be an under-reported figure, as quoted in the book (The original source of the data quoted is 百姓半月刊119期90頁). Figure for 1991 is not available.
Figures for 1996, 1997 and 1998 include non-crime cases and crime cases. Non-crime cases related to domestic violence include miscellaneous reports of common assault, family dispute, telephone nuisance, request for assistance etc.. Due to the diversity of miscellaneous reports, the breakdown by classification is not practical. However, they can be categorized by way of police intervention as follows: a) as per the complainant’s request, only the record of report is provided and no further action is required; b) as per the complainant’s request, action in (a) and notification to the alleged offender of the complainant’s report; c) charge the offender with common assault; and d) apply for ‘bound over’ on the offender. Crime cases related to domestic violence include sexual assault (including rape and indecent assault), homicide, wounding, serious assault, criminal damage and criminal intimidation.
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