- All Domains
- Children

- Number of adoption order granted for Wards of Director of Social Welfare
- Infant Mortality Rate
- Under age 5 child mortality per 1,000 live births
- Child dependency ratio: Number of persons aged under 15 per 1,000 persons in the 15-64 age group
- Combined Primary & Secondary School Enrolment Ratio
- Percentage of children immunised against Hepatitis B (HBV)
- Child abuse cases per 100 000 population aged 0-17
- Percentage of children aged 0-14 in low-income domestic households among all persons aged 0-14 in domestic households
- Percentage of children living in single parent households
- Number of persons aged 10-15 arrested for violent crimes
- Number of persons aged 10-15 arrested for non-violent crimes
- Non-attendance rate (in percentage)
- Percentage of children with eye problem
- Children with membership in major uniformed groups per 100,000
- Children (aged 2-6) enrolled in kindergarten per 100,000 children aged 2-6