- All Domains
- Environmental Quality

- Quality of piped drinking water - Percentage of tests reached WHO's standard (bacteriological)
- Quality of piped drinking water - Percentage of tests reached WHO's standard (chemical)
- Footpath (km)
- Cycle Track (km)
- Number of private cars per 100,000 population
- Country park, Special Area, SSSI, Ramsar sites [protected land] as a percentage of total land area
- Recurrent expenditures on environment as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product
- SO2 annual average concentration
- NO2 annual average concentration
- RSP annual average concentration
- Per capita units of fresh water consumption
- Percentage of gazetted beaches ranked as poor/very poor
- Percentage of major rivers and streams rated as bad/very bad
- Per capita municipal solid waste generation
- Percentage of Municipal Solid Waste recycled
- Per capita energy consumption (terajoule)
- Per capita area of public open space (sq. meters)
- Percentage of days in which air quality in Hong Kong falls below acceptable standard
- Per capita annual fresh water consumption by domestic sector (cubic metres)