- All Domains
- Strength of Civil Society

- Number of society registered under Society Ordinance, Cap.151 (Running Total)
- Total number of staff employed by NGOs
- Per capita contributions annually to the Community Chest
- Percentage of primary and secondary schools with Parents-Teachers Association(PTA)
- Number of organized events sponsored by Parents-Teachers Association
- Percentage of salaried employees and wage earners who are members of trade unions
- Number of charitable institutions and trusts recognized as qualifying for tax exemption
- Private charitable donations as percentage of Gross Domestic Product
- Ratio of total private charitable donations to amount of government subventions
- Percentage Hong Kong Council of Social Service affiliated members not receiving subventions from the Social Welfare Department
- Reported number of complaints to Hong Kong Consumer Council
- Reported complaints of inaccurate weights and measures
- Number complaints concerning travel tours